Well, my wonderful son finally came home to Santa Fe. He was in California since July 1st. It is good to have him home. He arrived on Saturday and he was so happy to be home! It was good to see him and we had a great conversation on the way home from Albuquerque (very rare these days). We talked about all that he did in California and how he enjoyed the sights and sounds of Los Angeles. He just went on and on about what he did and where his "Tia" took him. He said he had such a great time but it was good to be back home in Santa Fe.
Sunday morning he got up and was very quiet... I knew the "great to be back in Santa Fe" was put on hold... my poor Andrew was looking rather sad and was as talkative as he was on Saturday. He misses his "Tia" so much and is having a difficult time being away from her. They have such a unique bond those two, that it takes Andrew a while to get back on track. My heart immediately went into Mommy Mode and I wanted to fix it right away. Being the Mexican that I am, the first thing I thought of was making his favorite breakfast and baking brownies... cure anything with food!!! Everyone said to just leave him alone and give him some time, but for those of you that know me, that is impossible for ME! I want to put a big Band-aid on his heart and make it all better... then I had to stop myself and put myself in Andrew's shoes... I do the same thing when I get back from California!!! I'm sad, quiet (a rarity for me), and weepy for days! I miss my sister so much that there are times I feel like my heart is going to explode with such sadness! I just need time to work my way through and eventually I do. I now understand my Andrew! I need to give him time to work through this. So for now, I will put the "heart Band-Aid" away and I will stop the Martha Stewart cooking process and give my son a chance to breathe and work through it (I think I can, I think I can).
I just let him be on Sunday... I even gave him some space. Gene and I went to the movies and saw "Mamma Mia" (highly recommended by Lisa and worth every penny). When we came back home a few hours later, Andrew was in his room getting ready for church. He is very involved in our parish and is an active member in the Teen Life Program. He loves going to Mass and I knew that that would help and he would see his friends, Father Adam, and Sister Silvia. I also called in our Blessed Mother for added strength for myself! I asked her to give me the strength to "back off."
This is Andrew's last year of high school and I want him to enjoy himself but yet make wise decisions. He tells me he has anxiety about decided what he want to do after high school and as I am hyper ventilating on the side lines because he is talking about his college plans, I tell him what he is feeling is what all seniors are feeling. Just go day by day and enjoy his days as a senior and we will get the college decision made when the time comes.
Be ready to be updated on Andrew's Senior Year! It is going to be a wild ride!!!Andrew and Lisa at the Hollywood Bowl...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Andrew's Back Home!
Posted by Sylvia Raigosa at 10:00 PM
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I hope you guys can come to the feria...sniff.
I was just on Southwest.com checking out flight costs for September. I don't want to miss the Feria and it is something I need to do with Andrew. Thank you sis for everything!! You are the best Tia and Sister in the world!!! I love you!
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