Monday, August 25, 2008

Here we go...

Tomorrow is Andrew's 1st day as a senior in high school. I watched him prepare this evening and between, "Mom, can you iron my shirt?" and "Mom, where are my jeans" I kept thinking about how exciting this year is going to be for him. I also got teary eyed. Of course I didn't let him see me but all I could tell myself was, "Where did the time go?" He is so excited about his senior year and all the activities that go along with being a senior in high school. Homecoming, Prom, Class Ring Ceremony, sports, SAT's, ACT's, college applications, and graduation.

He said he is looking forward to school and feels ready to go to school. He spent time in CA with his wonderful Tia and got to do a lot of things while out in CA. When he came back to Santa Fe, he spent time with his friends, went golfing, worked out, and even managed to get a job as a bus boy at one of our 4 star restaurants here is Santa Fe. He is making his own money and just loves his job!

So, tomorrow begins the journey toward senior year... he spent this morning reflecting about school. We had such a nice conversation about his last year of high school. He then went to Mass at our church and was a bit sad because Sr. Silvia (the director of Confirmation) is leaving Santa Maria de la Paz to return to Mexico. Andrew worked very closely with Sr. Silvia and he said he is going to miss her so very much. He went to noon Mass to say good-bye to her. He then went to lunch with his friends and then to work. When he came home he had a smile on his face... he was happy with his tips and said that he met some wonderful people at the restaurant this evening. He said it was a very good day.

He got his things together for tomorrow and was trying on his new school clothes and trying to decide what shoes he should wear with his uniform. He has everything set and is ready for the 1st day of school. Part of me just wanted time to stop. It is going by so fast! I just don't want to miss a thing. I have my camera ready to go so I can capture memories and a new video camera will be purchased next week. Hold on everyone!! Andrew's Senior Year has arrived!

Straightening out the collar to his new polo shirt (uniforms are required at his Catholic high school).

Andrew modeling in front of his mirror in his room. He loves his new backpack that his Tia Lisa purchased for him in California.

Andrew stunned with his 1st paycheck! He could not wait to deposit it in his new teen checking account. Andrew is very aware of the presidential candidates this election year. Can you tell who he is supporting?!

Our beautiful parish here in Santa Fe... Santa Maria De La Paz... I took this picture from my school's parking lot. It is such a beautiful church!


Elena's Girl said...

Awww...such great pictures of my nephew! I also cannot believe that his senior year is here. How did he grow up so quickly? I've enjoyed every step of his journey and I am looking forward to all of the chapters to come in Andrew's life. I miss him so much and it is the first thing I thought of when I saw the pics. I see dad's flag in the background. I am glad he has it up in his room.