Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Happy New Year for Andrew...

Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Andrew and I went to California for a little over a week and had a wonderful time with Lisa, Albert, Bella and Maggie. We had a great time and it was so wonderful being with our wonderful family.

Andrew has gone through some changes since my last post. He decided to quit playing basketball for his school. It was a tough decision for him, but he wants to enjoy his senior year and he said he just wasn't having fun playing ball anymore. I did see it in his eyes and knew it was coming. He is happy with his decision and is enjoying time with his friends, has asked Gene to teach him how to play the guitar, and seems to be much more rested. He does have more time on his hands, so I suggested he find a part time job. He agreed and is on the hunt for a job.

He is in the last leg of his high school year. Tomorrow he begins his new semester and is looking forward to his classes. He is counting down to graduation and Andrew is excited about the next phase of his life. I on the other hand am not sure how I am feeling. Some days I am ready to pack him up and move him to college and then there are some days when I ask myself, "Where did the time go?"

So, with the New Year upon us and this being Andrew's graduation year, be ready for more posts on senior activities that will be happening.